Advancing Diagnostic Assays: Unleashing the Potential of Molecular Testing
Welcome to the BioCollections Worldwide, Inc. blog, where we embark on a journey to explore the vast potential of molecular testing in advancing diagnostic assays. Today, we delve
How to Prevent a False Positive COVID Test
COVID-19 testing is an important factor in preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, false test results can concern those who are trying to check for COVID-19.
What Causes a False Positive Rapid COVID Test?
With rapid tests becoming more commonplace, especially with at-home testing, it’s important to know whether or not the results are accurate. With many different variables present during the
Can You Do a Throat Swab for a Rapid Test for COVID-19?
When you go through COVID-19 testing, you should either be tested by a medical professional or follow your at-home testing kit instructions precisely. Throat swab COVID test accuracy
Is COVID Testing Free?
The short answer is yes, the federal government mandated that all Americans have access to free COVID-19 testing. However, many people still have medical bills associated with their
How Long Does It Take To Get Rapid COVID-19 Test Results?
When you have symptoms of COVID-19 or may have been exposed to a positive case, it’s crucial to consider COVID-19 testing. While the idea of testing might be